Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Flying Solo

(Huelan at her sleepover)

(Cursed with my hairline but blessed with Liz's dimples. Can't win 'em all.)

Tonight is the last night of a short work trip to LA.  

Last weekend I had both kids by myself for the first time. For about five hours. I was a little scared, but managed it ok. Maybe we watched a little more TV than we usually do and perhaps I held Vansen during his nap so that he'd sleep longer. The details are fuzzy....

Well Liz has had both kids since Monday, and she had the brilliant idea of setting up Huelan with a sleepover at Grandma's Tuesday night. I tell you that woman is a genius. 

So, yes, we are both scared of being alone with our kids for extended periods of time (me more so than Liz, to be fair). 

1 comment:

  1. That's my biggest fear with another one on the way. I ask Brad constantly "What are we going to do with all these kids!?" LOL
