Wednesday, October 31, 2012



When I was four years old living in Kentucky, I had an extremely good idea. It was the epitome of innovative thinking and entrepeneurship. I remember it vividly- it was around Arpil or May, and I needed candy.  I recruited one of the neighbor kids- Janetta- and we put on some excuse for costumes and went door to door asking the neighbors for candy.  I figured it had worked so beautifully just a short while ago, it's bound to work again.  Why isn't everyone doing this every week?!

Being a little after Easter, we were able to score some decent loot.  That was probably the beginning of my career in sales.

I'm not going to tell Huelan that story for a while, but if she comes up with the idea on her own, I might not try to stop her.

We spent today at a kids concert at Whole Foods, where Huelan's music sing-a-long leader/our long-time friend Stephanie and her trio played a gig.  They led the kids on parade through the store, which was hilarious because Huelan kept looking at all the food like we don't feed her at home, and there was a pretty good turn out of kids in costumes.  And some food samples for the dads.

Trick or treating was just a few houses up the block and a few houses down the block, but that did the trick and Huelan ended up with half a bucket of treats that's now a little lighter than when we came home.  Liz has the unenviable duty of trying to put her to sleep as I write this. 

Here are some pics of tonight as well as some left over ones from earlier this month. (including some pics of the SF Downtown Halloween Parade where some SF Giants showed up for some reason- man this town really likes Halloween)
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

World Series Sunday

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Sunday was action packed.  We lazed a tiny bit in the morning, but then hit up a nearby pumpkin patch that was also loaded with mini-carnival rides.  We got her dressed up in her costume and she was game to pose for some pictures. 

Then the rides.  The slide was first, mainly because I wanted to go on it.  We went three times I think.  Huelan said that she was scared at first, but by our last trip she was totally into it.  And she could not get enough of the swing either, and has been talking about both ever since.  I think we've got a thill seeker on our hands.

After the pumpkin patch, we headed to SF where we dropped of Huelan with Laurie and Sophia while we met a few friends at a brewpub to watch the Giants sweep for the World Series.  After the last pitch, Liz went out to join the mob on the streets of the Mission while I went back to Sunset to pick up Huelan.  To my surprise, Huelan was still awake and stayed awake all the way back to the Mission.  Maybe she could feel the excitement in the city.  Maybe it was the thousands of people out partying and smashing MUNI busses. 

Since she was still awake when we got to the Mission, we decided to meet Liz and the mob at Jason's fire station, where Huelan got to drive the fire truck.  She had an awesome day, and finally fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Anyway, at least Liz and Nicole had fun....

Halloween Teaser

This is from the obligatory pumpkin patch outing. Cliche but so much fun.

For those who are uninitiated into the Dinosaur Train culture, she's dressed up as Tiny Pteranadon, the more prominent of the Pteranadon Family sisters.

Group photo

Of some of the Surprises she got during potty training. Some friends not pictured.

Today she did Number Two (triple size, according to Grandma- so is that a Number Six?) on the potty so she got a Big Surprise. A play mixer that she's been using to make play cupcake batter.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Potty Update

We get serious with the potty training almost two weeks ago, and, at the risk of spraining my shoulder, I've got to give ourselves a pat on our collective back. We started in earnest on a Saturday, and by Sunday night Huelan got the idea. And a bunch of Dinosaur Train friends. Then we moved on to stickers and jellybeans, and by mid-week I say she was 80% there with just one or two mishaps.

Now, two weeks in, she gives us ample warning when she needs the potty and hasn't had an accident in a long while. She's pretty proud if herself and likes her My Little Pony underpants.

One caveat though- we haven't been successful with Number Two yet. I'm not sure where lds learn this from, but she's always been embarrassed by poop. She'll go off in a corner to do her business, and if you look at her you'll get a dirty look back. So we still have that bridge to cross.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I swear Liz dresses her like this just to rub it in.

Big Game Weekend

Friday night, we went to So Noodles to so Liz could hang with the girls- I was there for Huelan duty, which was easy since Huelan loves hanging with Sienna.

Saturday morning, Mike came up for the Big Game, and we got an early start. Sam met us on campus before the game, and Sasha met up with us after. Liz was kind enough taxi us around, even as far as Vlad and Rachel's engagement party in Foster City, and an afterparty at Sam's. After a busy Saturday, we had a sunny outdoor lunch at Jupiter and fit in a. Nap. Perfect.

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Fall

If you've ever lived in the bay area, you know that this is absolutely the best time of year.  The sun traces a slightly lower arc each day, bathing the bay in the a lazy, sideways light as it makes its way toward the Golden Gate.  Temperatures are perfect in our little east bay microclimate, and, though the sunsets inch earlier each evening, we are frequently treated to shows like this.  Every now and again, we even get to take a few deep breaths of autumn air.
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Sunday, October 14, 2012


Video Link Here

I think that it happens to most parents at some point, and this isn't our first foray by a longshot, but it IS our first effort at conscious, systematic, unadulterated bribery.  Potty training will do that to you.

We tried for a weekend about 3 months ago, but it didn't take.  This time, we think we have a better battle plan and have come properly armed.  The plan is do away with the mini potty in favor of a seat adaptor that goes on the regular (big girl) potty.  We are diaper-free all waking hours, and every 30-40 minutes, a timer goes off and we sit her on the potty whether she needs it or not.  Sometimes up to 10 mintues.  And if she successfully conducts her business, she gets a SURPRISE that's hidden somewhere in the kitchen. So far, we've had 4-5 missions accomplished, with minimal collateral damage.

The thing is, we are basically chained to the house while we're training.  And I'm almost out of surprises. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Huelan's rendering of Ba. For some reason everyone she draws is sticking out his tongue.

Monday, October 8, 2012


There is a kind of irrational, gutteral, relentless cry that only Mommy can fix.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


And jeggings

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September's Gone

And October has arrived with a vengence! 4-5 days of 90 degree heat is not what we're used to in this part of the bay, but I think we're about through the woods now.  The heat didn't keep us from picnicking last weekend though.  Lisa organized a few people and found a great spot (near the DJ, naturally) for us to set up a few blankets and umbrellas for the afternoon.  Huelan had an absolute BLAST running around, people watching, and bouncing to the beats.

October is also the month when Gosia's twin daughters come to visit from Poland.  Kasha and Kamilla (Kama), not that I know which is which, which you think wouldn't be difficult since one has orange hair.  They're basically hanging out with Gosia and Huelan most of the time, which Huelan loves of course.  They spent one morning at the zoo and Huelan talked about it for days.  Very sweet girls- they even watched Huelan solo one Wednesday when Grandma and Papa were on their epic Ireland trip.  Gosia, Michael, and the twins are currently in Vegas/Zion Nation Park and Liz is spending the week at home.  I didn't say that she's on vacation because it might actually be MORE work.

A few other September highlights include: a day trip to the Natomas Resort in Sac to hang with Sydney and Stella, Huelan scores the Flagg family tryke, Fall Fashion Show, Anh+Patty photo shoot, and Sunflower.

Pics Here
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