Monday, April 21, 2014


This is the closest thing we've had to a family pic in who-knows-how-long! Even though I've been having camera issues that have resulted in a soft focus, I'm pleased as punch.

Easter weekend was a blast.  Liz had Good Friday off, so we got an extra day of the kids climbing into bed with us.  A little Friday shopping for Easter outfits to round out a chill afternoon. 

Saturday morning I had the kids by myself for half the day, and we hit up the Easter Egg hunt in a local park. This was our second year at the same hunt, and we were a lot better prepared this time (picnic blanket, sunscreen).  Last year Huelan was still in the youngest Egg Hunt group, where they let about 15 kids at a time run loose in a corral with candy sprinkled in the grass  This year she graduated into the next group where about 300 kids race vie to collect as much candy as possible in a 10 minute window.  The pep talk I gave her highlighted the fact that none of these kids are her friends and her priority is to fill that basket.  Just kidding, of course the most important thing is to have fun (and keep your elbows out).

How they were able to keep all those kids at bay for 10 minutes while they finished setting up is a testament to how well kids will behave when there's a promise of candy.  And I dangled the Easter Bunny visit much like I use Santa around Christmas time- as a threat.  The carrot (ha) and the stick....

We of course had an egg hunt in the family room in the morning, then it was Easter lunch.  It was quite a spread, and after about a dozen deviled eggs, I dozed off on the deck, sitting in the sun.  But only for a minute.  Huelan found the GOLDEN EGG that Grandma stashed and was jumping-up-and-down ecstatic- highlight of the day, maybe the year so far.

A beautiful, sunny weekend made even better by lots of family and food.  More pics here.

Also, I neglected to post pics from the first half of March, so here they are as well.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! I ate so many eggs yesterday. So many. Great photos!
