Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Looking back

I figured I should try to get a Thanksgiving post out before Christmas comes, so here goes.  We took nice long trip to SoCal, leaving early morning on Thanksgiving and pulling into the driveway in Stanton just before noon.  We planned an entire week in SoCal, plenty of opportunity for quality time with family and friends.  And eat a ton.  Huelan was able to sink her teeth into some turkey this year, and did a great job on potoatoes and stuffing too.  And of course had some of BaNoi's cooking.

One of the best things about our SoCal visits is the chance to hang out with friends with kids.  Great getting to see all of the little munchkins growing up and getting into trouble!

Here are some pics.

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad we got a chance to kick it! Love your girly!
