Boy, kids like pinatas. Though most of them couldn't put a solid swing on it, the few who managed to make solid contact did some damage. Candy rained down multiple times, as the pinata fought hard to hang on to its contents through several different hackers, and every time it brought on a swarm of frenzied kids diving and jockeying to fill their hands with the sweet, sweet loot. And we only had one kid got grilled with the bat, so that's a success.
We celebrated Vansen's birthday a few days early, staking out a large spot at one of the local parks on a sunny Saturday. We're of the opinion that good food & drink are crucial ingredients to a successful gathering, mainly because that's the best way to get the Ly Family & Friends to show up. We did our best with trays of rotisserie chicken and a whole suckling pig, and you all certainly held up your end of the bargain. It was great to see share Vansen's first birthday with so many people, and to have soooooo many of those people be little kids. The littlest kid award goes to Finley, at just three weeks, though if the timing were slightly differently it may have gone to Boris/Natasha, the Zatulovsky baby, who was already tardy as of partytime. Both mamas are champs!
Besides, who are we kidding? A one-year old can't even appreciate his own party. These parties are for the grownups, so that we can catch up with one another on a sunny day and enjoy some food and drink while the kids run around and wear themselves out. Even if the conversation topics occasionally drift to potty training and pre-schools, getting in some grown up stories and laughs helps us strengthen our sometimes tenuous tether to the outside world.
Here are some pics from the party and the latter half of June, including Nhuanh's 30th (!) birthday at Lake Merritt and Vansen's first haircut.
happy first birthday! boy that flew by. that haircut pic is my new favorite pic.