Friday, November 1, 2013


This year she rocked kind of a throw-back costume; she made up her mind weeks ago to be a ghost, and there was no detering her.  Though it was a simple costume, she was the only ghost we saw and she got tons of comments. 

This year, she was much more assertive with her Trick-or-Treat, but her favorite part was the "Boo!" followed by, "It's just me- I'm just a kid!" 

We went to the local Halloween parade, where they had the Wells Fargo stagecoach, complete with horses, a firetruck, and the local HS marching band lead the way.  Behind them, it seemed like a thousand kids mobbed the storefronts as they handed out candy.  Usually in Oakland this type if scene ends up with tear gas canisters flying, but the mob was mostly peaceful today. They only teetered on the edge of violence once, when one of the stores ran dry with a large group of princesses, wizards, and dragons gathered in front.  

Huelan was a champ, identifying where the candy sources were and navigating her way through the 4-foot tall crowd to get hers. She did spare a few seconds to get a picture with Mayor Quan, though. 

Vansen on the other hand, just chilled sporting his own ghost/pope outfit. 

We went to SF with the thought of visiting some of the Sunet neighbors, but failed to actually leave the house. Huelan had enough treats, and Liz and I both accidentally caught a quick snooze in the livingroom. 

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