Three weeks into this thing! And we're only slightly worse for the wear. Vansen has been remarkably easy. Yes, I realize that I just completely jinxed us.
I actually remember this phase from when Huelan first came home as well- other than feeding and diaper changes, there aren't a lot of duties. Of course the feeding and diaper changes happen around the clock with no regard for the circadian rhythms of adults with jobs, but as far as intensity of care, it's not too bad. And this time, we've already been inoculated to N.A.D., which helps tremendously. We've barely even picked up a book this time around....
And yet he seems to be thriving. He left the hospital weighing 7lb, 14oz, but at this 2-week appt had plumped up to 8lb, 10oz. The kid is insatiable. In fact, Liz can't keep up and we've been supplementing with formula 2-3 times a day just to keep the feedings close to 2 hrs apart. Liz generally uses feeding time to read on her iPhone, and I think she's almost finished the internet.
So far, the most challenging part of having two kids is the first kid. She's super-sweet with her little brother, always angling to get in a hug and kiss, but with us it was tantrum city, especially around dinner time. We were told to expect some regression, and we certainly got it. But, like us, she is slowly adjusting and getting back to herself a little each day.
Thanks for all the kind words, gifts, and (most appreciated) visits. We're pretty home-bound, but it being summer, we've have taken Vansen out a few times already (it was about 5 weeks before we took Huelan out to a restaurant brunch, but that was January).
Some Pics Here
Such a beautiful family! You guys are certainly inspiring me. haha
ReplyDeleteThat is one cute baby, dude. Vansen. Dig.