Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In Vietnamese, slang for a little boy's penis is chim (pronounced "cheem"), literally translated to "bird."

You can see his chim in the top sonogram if you know what you are looking for. Imagine that he's sitting bare bottom on a glass coffee table and you're underneath looking up. Hint: his chim is pointing due east.

He and his chim are due July 2, though the doc thinks he's a little ahead of what they originally thought, so he might be a tad earlier. Either way, he'll share a Snake sign with his Ba. It's too early to tell from the profile whether this one will look like Ba, but the bald noggin is a strong indicator.  Sorry kid.


  1. Mazel tov!!! Yay!!!! Oh i hope he is four days early and shares a birthday with sweet Buddy!!!!! Xxxxxooo

  2. Congratulations! Yay!

  3. Brad and I nearly killed each other high-five-ing when we saw Casey's Chim. Good job, y'all! Can't wait to see the little fella.
