You're crazy if you expect a kid this age to display any kind of consistency or stasis. Even fully knowing that, it blows is away all the little things Huelan picks up and incorporates into her reality.
- Not a surprise- candy. She will get up in the morning, go to the kitchen, grab a Hershy's Kiss, go to her hiding place behind the Christmas tree and eat it. Then she'll come into our room with a huge choco smile on her face and pretend like nothing happened. Sneaky one.
- She's the Mama Bird. Liz is the Daddy Bird and I'm the Baby Bird. No idea how this happened but sometimes I'm not allowed to pick her up because Mama Bird is too heavy for Baby Bird to carry. Duh.
- The Shriek. When she's excited, when she's scared, when she's being chased, when she objects to something being taken away from her. It's like a genetic time sensitive code unlocked a door in her brain and now she's got a new weapon she's experimenting with. And we're the test subjects.
- "Monsters are pretend, but I still scared." I have a few parenting tricks that I'm proud of, but the crown jewel so far may be teaching her that monsters are scared of farts. Ba clears her room of monsters before bedtime.
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