And October has arrived with a vengence! 4-5 days of 90 degree heat is not what we're used to in this part of the bay, but I think we're about through the woods now. The heat didn't keep us from picnicking last weekend though. Lisa organized a few people and found a great spot (near the DJ, naturally) for us to set up a few blankets and umbrellas for the afternoon. Huelan had an absolute BLAST running around, people watching, and bouncing to the beats.
October is also the month when Gosia's twin daughters come to visit from Poland. Kasha and Kamilla (Kama), not that I know which is which, which you think wouldn't be difficult since one has orange hair. They're basically hanging out with Gosia and Huelan most of the time, which Huelan loves of course. They spent one morning at the zoo and Huelan talked about it for days. Very sweet girls- they even watched Huelan solo one Wednesday when Grandma and Papa were on their epic Ireland trip. Gosia, Michael, and the twins are currently in Vegas/Zion Nation Park and Liz is spending the week at home. I didn't say that she's on vacation because it might actually be MORE work.
A few other September highlights include: a day trip to the Natomas Resort in Sac to hang with Sydney and Stella, Huelan scores the Flagg family tryke, Fall Fashion Show, Anh+Patty photo shoot, and Sunflower.
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