Just like that, May is over and summer is kickin full effect. Save for one or two days, the weather has been absolutely epic in the east bay, with long days of sunshine encouraging us to make full use of the yard and deck.
May also saw a little bit of travelling- Liz went solo to a tropical wedding (Congrats Joy and Eric!), and I took a solo trip to SoCal for Jen's USC Grad. While kind of weird, we both handled our solo trips (and more importantly solo Huelan stints) with aplomb, though there's no place like home.
With a lot of help from our friends and family, we finished the kitchen and thus feel like we are fully settled in the house. The project list gets shorter and shorter, but still some biggies yet to tackle. Next will be painting the family room, but trying not to think about that just yet. For now, bask in the kitchen being complete and getting into a summer frame of mind. It really is time for you all to visit if you haven't been by.
Some May pics here
Liz's pics from Joy's Wedding
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