Monday, October 10, 2011

"Nho-Nho Each"

In case anyone was wondering if this girl was really ours, seeing what she eats in a day will clear any doubts of her being in the Ly/Lee family.  The girl can live on carbs, especially all sorts of rice and noodles.  Bread? Yup.  Fruit? All kinds.  Cookies? Better keep them hidden on a high shelf.

If she hasn't had her snack, best to not nibble on anything around her, or she'll come over and say "Nho-Nho each too!" Which translates to "Nho-Nho eat too."  Here she's eating some mac & cheese, which she has just recently taken to.  I think this is her third bowl, though she did share some of it with me. 

My favorite part is when she's actually spooning the food into her mouth- she knits her brow and scowls with every bite. It's like the food's been bad and she's punishing it by chewing it up.

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