Ok, so it's been longer between installments than I had planned, but my excuse is that a many of my pics are tied up on a jard drive that I can't access right now. Hopefully I'll get that sorted out soon and be able to post some pics from the holidays.
For now though, Here are some pics from my phone in a attempt to get caught up.
Huelan's birthday is just two days afer Christmas, so we're going to be challenged to find a way to celebrate it every year when most everyone we know is partied out. Grandma set up a family party during dessert at the Lee Christmas gathering, so she was able to have cake, ice cream, and all the BD festivities.
On her actual birthday, I took the day off from work and we went on an SF adventure. First, Bart to downtown, where we went to the big mall to see the snowflake show on the dome and hit up the Disney Store (Dec 27 sale was pretty good). Shared a pretzel on the way up to Union Square where she jumped off tons of stairs and we took in the giant tree. She got into a taxi for the first time and we went to pick up Mom at work. A full afternoon concluded with a long nap. Not a bad birthday.
Then of course a few days later Anh, Patty, and BiBi came with more cake and presents. And I forgot to mention the cupcake party at school. No less than FOUR seperate celebrations for a four-year-old, tacked on to an extended Christmas season. January is the season for recovery. Thank goodness Vansen's birthday isn't til July....