Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ringing It In

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
She wants to nurse quite a lot, and everything we read says that we (Liz) should be feeding her "on demand." Which basically makes Liz Nicole's 24 hour personal smoothie machine.
Although the hospital was comfortable and it was great having someone to help with every question or concern, there is no place like home.
Here's a vid of her before we left the hospital, getting hungry as usual. This is her first little outfit.
About 2 mins. I'll post shorter ones when I figure out how to cut and edit.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Downs and Ups
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Here We Go

*JUST UPDATED: web album from her first 24 hours!
Nicole is currently sleeping peacefully on Liz, who is nearly passed out herself, after a very long and eventful day and a half. It's a scene out of a Gerber commercial, but it wasn't easy getting to this point.
Liz woke up the 26th with some cramps, thought that maybe she had had too much Christmas ham or prime rib. By 10am, though, it was clear that something was different, that she was not having indigestion. By 11am, the contractions were clear and prolonged, about 7 minutes apart. We waited another 2 hours at home to make sure that they weren't going to subside before calling our doctor.
We arrived at labor triage at about 2:15, but Liz wasn't dialated enough to get admitted. So we walked around the floor for about 45 minutes, contractions coming hard and often. We were finally admitted around 4:30, with contractions about 3.5 minutes apart.
From an outsider's prospective, contractions are a bitch. From what I can tell, it's like serious cramp that takes over your entire body and soul. This is made worse by the fact that you know another one will be right on its heels, and it is likely to be of a greater magnitude. Liz is a tough one, as you know, and she was bearing down through them like a champ.
We had planned all along to get the epidural, which in my opinion, is a great way to go. Some women opt to go au-natural, which is a pain I can not even fathom. They hook women in labor up to a monitor that plots the baby's heartrate and the intensity of the contraction on two differnet graphs. The epidural was given before the most intense contractions, and just in time. According to the graphs, the later contractions were at the top of the charts.
The contractions were coming with increasing frequency and magnitude. One nearly right on top of the last, over and over. So fast and hard, in fact, that the baby was having a hard time recooperating in between the existance-crushing shocks. For a while there, it looked like they might have to cut her out. But with the aid of the excellent staff at Alta Bates, mother and daughter were able to right the ship.
With a little bit of additional help, Liz was able to give a few hard pushes and a little head of hair was born, which was soon followed by round, downy little shoulders, miniature wrinkly hands, and slender legs.
Nicole Huelan Ly was born with hardly a peep. She came into the world with her eyes wide open, staring right at her mother in amazement, wonder and gratitude. She landed on her mother's chest covered in nine months of good loving and good living, and she was gorgeous.
She's been with us for a little over 18 hours now, and we've already seen glimpses of her personality. She loves to stare. She's introspective and serene. She nurses like a champ. She's already evolving, and even looks different than when we first met.
We hope that you'll be able to meet her soon, too, as some of her new family and friends already have. In any case, you will be able to follow her here, as much of this space will be devoted to her.
Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and prayers.
Hung, Liz, and Nicole Huelan
more pics here
Plus One
A good day indeed, but I'll let my brother share the news. Congratulations you two.
P.S. Natalie was a pretty close guess.
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Fashionably Late
Maybe she has a flare for drama, and has been biding her time until Ba Noi (Grandma) is here? Well, she's here 'til Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Best & Worst of the weekend
- Nothing to move, assemble, clean, or organize!
- Put up and decorated our Xmas tree. House smells like Christmas now.
- Went to a movie- Avatar. Pretty good, solid B+
- Dinner at Laurie and Sophia's (and a homemade apple pie)
- Nap
- I bought these poinsettia plants 3 for $12. Great deal, right? Turns out they are kind of sorry and make me kind of sad when I look at them.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Guessing Game
The latest date? Guessed by Dina Gee- January 8, 8:37am!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Best & Worst of the weekend
- Liz's last day of work before going on her maternity leave!
- Choosing a new rug. I know, we are are domesticated.
- Achieving 98% status on baby readiness.
- Realizing that 100% readiness is not possible. Oh well, she's coming any day now, ready or not.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Garlic Fun Time

For the sauce
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 teaspoons fish sauce
2 teaspoons sriracha
2 tablespoons michiu (rice cooking wine)
3 tablespoons kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
2 tablespoons mirin
For the noodles
1 pound fresh egg noodles, chow mein thickness
3 ounces unsalted butter
4 tablespoons minced garlic
1/2 pound meat from a 1 1/2- to 2-pound Dungeness crab
Reserved crab "butter"
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Chopped cilantro, for garnish
Combine the sauce ingredients and set aside.
Boil 3 quarts of water, and cook egg noodles to al dente, about 6-8 minutes. Drain in a colander, rinse in cold water and set aside.
Combine butter and garlic in a saute pan over medium-high heat. Once butter begins to brown and garlic gets fragrant (about 1 minute), add the egg noodles and stir until butter coats them evenly.
Turn heat to high. Continue to saute for 3 minutes, adding the sauce mixture and combining evenly with the noodles. Once noodles have been cooked through (2 minutes), add the crabmeat and "butter" (tomalley), if using, and cook for an additional 1 minute.
Stir in lemon juice. Serve noodles on a plate, top with cilantro. Note: Fish sauce, sriracha, michiu, kecap manis and mirin can be found at Asian markets. To extract "butter" or tomalley from a crab, lift off top shell and spoon out the thick yellow substance.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Best & Worst of the Weekend- Liz's Birthday Edition

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Party Time

P.S. I'm calling the baby Natalie until you reveal the name.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Buckshot Review

Last night we went to Buckshot for the first time (3rd and Geary). It was Viv's birthday, hence the Tuesday night outing.
In a previous life, it was Alpha Bar, and before that some Irish pub. It's present incarnation is super low-key and fun, with skee-ball (they host a league), some old-skool arcade games, and a great, small kitchen. The poor girl in her tiny kitchen was not expecting the 15 of us to descend on her on a Tuesday night, but she did an excellent job supplying us with pork sausage corn dogs (A), mac&cheese (B+), chicken fried bacon (surprisingly only a C), and sloppy joes (A+). $2 PBRs were the cherries on top. Definitely be back!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Best & Worst of the Weekend- Thanksgiving edition
Monday, November 23, 2009

BestBuy is having a buy-one-get-one-free sale on this well-reviewed cam if anyone needs a pair. Bought online and picked it up in-store.
At our place last Saturday, Liz did a great job with the roast and mashed potatoes, and we had 13 people seated for dinner- I think that was a record for us! And the table Liz set was beautiful.
All this happened while I was playing golf at San Geronimo with Ivan, Karl, and Steve. A beautiful day in Marin.
Then after everyone left on Saturday, we watched the Big Game on DVR. Wow what a game!!! the only thing better than beating stanfurd is coming from behind to upset them and crush their Rose Bowl hopes in their own stadium. That's going to sting for a while.
Then Sunday was the Birthing Class at the hospital. We learned a lot, though it could have been a little shorter (9am-4pm). My favorite part was the tour of the labor and delivery center. They have private delivery rooms where they have all kinds of equipment and aids. The nurse said that they deliver something like 650 babies a month! The other important part we learned was when to go the hospital- evidently they don't want us going too early. We'll probably stop for a burrito on the way.
And tonight Liz finished all the Thank You cards from all five showers- easily over 100 cards!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gettin' Ready

But first, big weekend! triple b-day dinner at our pad Saturday night (13 people- Liz is making a roast. Mmmmm roast beef). Then Sunday is the birthing and parenting crash course at the hospital. Taking lots of notes!
Plus, Big Game Saturday. We're not going, but GO BEARS!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Group Activities Only

I would tell you what I think about all of these songs I post but I'd rather not contaminate your thoughtwell (not a real word) so you can come up with your conclusions; plus I'm lazy.
Bonus: this guy is from Kentucky.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
A Li'l Pun in the Oven
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Going Deutsche
Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Shopping Baskets

When you reach the checkstand line and are using a hand basket, typically you unload the basket when you reach the belt and stack the baskets at the beginning of the belt. But that seems inefficient.
Instead, I think that I should just be able to place the basket onto the moving belt. The checker can then unload the basket as the items are scanned and take the basket. That way the items are handled just once, and the baskets are in a more convenient place to be picked up by another employee.
I am full of good ideas. Maybe I should write Safeway a letter.
Last 7 days

-I had three client dinners last week
-We did dinner at Liz's parents. Carl was down as well (his car is now fixed- hope he made it back alright...)
-Took the first load of baby loot from TIL's (The In Laws) to our place. For a small baby, she certainly has a lot of stuff. We downsized our desk and rearranged the office, so now there's room in our crib for a crib. We'll be putting that together this week (thanks Sophia!)
-I met with some clients on Saturday morning for some lab training. Shortened my weekend, but I'll try to make up for it this week (mid-week round?)
-Cal game Saturday evening. Cal is not good at football. Could go 0-3 the rest of the season! It was a lot more fun in September when we were undefeated.
-Post game beer pong at Acacia- it's been a really long time and the house looks pretty good.
-Liz had a great Saturday- Her work girlfriends treated her to lunch and a massage in Walnut Creek. Le Cheval followed by a little pre-natal pampering! Then for dinner she met up with some other girlfriends to celebrate Yvonne's birthday- Korean BBQ in the Richmond.
-Had a really nice day today- fish tacos, YogurtLand, and now making chili. Mmmmm chili. Put everything together in the crockpot, so it should be perfect for tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Shower 2

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Liz and I went to see Sophia in her costume last night at Liz's parents'. Her Miss America costume was awesome and I think they are going out to Union Street tonight. Lynn's saw the MJ movie this week, and she was inspired. Check out her costume- she has the moonwalk down cold!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
They Come in Threes
1. When it rained like crazy last week, we found that we had a leak in the seal of the Murano's windshield, which resulted in a puddle in the car and a trip to the dealership. They said they'd fix it for $200, which I declined. They did some free recall service while it was in there, but when they were done, the car wouldn't start! Long story short(er), they put something together wrong and had to go in and fix it. Took the car to Safelite to get the windshield fixed- $40!
2. Left the Passat in SF Saturday night after the MosDef show. You know I constantly have work stuff in my backseat, so I thought I was being clever by covering it with a sheet. But I think my plan backfired and made someone curious about what I was hiding. Result: broken window (they left my box of files), and a trip back to Safelite. They remembered me, took pity and gave me a 25% discount!
3. Right after I got the window fixed, had to work late at Summit Hospital. Parked in the pay lot, which closes at 7. Cases finished at 8. Garage gate down, car trapped til morning. Thanks for picking me up Liz and thanks for driving me back Vern!
So that makes 3 and nothing bad will happen to our cars for a long time. That's the rule.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Weekend
- Played at Crystal Springs with Gerardo, Chris and Anh. First round for me in a couple of months.
- Liz went to Sophia's volleyball game at St. Vincent DePaul (lost in 2)
- Liz had some friends over to dinner (pix please Mel!). Liz tried making a new salmon dish- it was delicous!
- Hit up Mos Def at 330 Ritch. Nice show, but not as billed. I just wanna hear some of the old jams!
- Spent some of the night at D&G's, but the Passat paid the price....
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Serious Waste of Time and Money

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If these things run so well, then howcome their teach support is booked for 5 days and they have people coming in for emergencies?!
And the 'tude! Freaking employees there think that they really are the "cool" Mac guy from the commercials. All hipster-rific and self-important. I have been pretty happy with the few Apple products I have, but I am also easily annoyed by poor service, especially poor service with attitude. I really want my iPod fixed, but am loathe to go in there and have the Genius ask me questions like I am an idiot like their greeter did (did you try to reset it? did you plug it in?).
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sweet Swedish Reading

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wicked, Joy, Viv's Dress
We ran around a little this weekend and saw some people we haven't seen in a while:
- Joy was visiting from Hawaii- we hit up Aunt Mary's for brunch. Liz's pancakes were incredible & we also split a bread pudding muffin.
- Liz got together with Vivien, Roxanna, and Kirsten for girls night out- dinner at Nopa and Wicked
- I went out with the boys and ended up on Derek's couch.
- Liz, Viv and Rox went to go check out a few wedding dresses (while I went to Zeke's to catch a few games)
- Dinner with Larry, Laurie, and Sophia (who won her game Saturday)
- Watched part of the Dodgers game- ouch
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Presidents Cup, Harding Park 2009

- Watching Phil chip on the practice range
- Talking to Michael Jordan
- Elin kneeling down next to me at the par 3 2nd
- Meeting Stewart Cink and Kenny Perry
It's crazy to see how get a glimpse on how these guys live- they're constantly on the road and have high demands on their time and energy. It's a wonder that they are able to practice at all. It looks really taxing and I give credit to the guys who really seem like good guys and spend time talking to the fans and especially the kids. I've got a new favorite player- Sean O'Hare. But I won't gush....
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tidepools and Babies
Liz and I went to the beach on Thursday, to a part of Newport that I haven't been before- Crystal Cove. We were lured in by the Shake Shack (gets us every time). We ended up walking down to the beach to discover a little village and lots of tidepools, teeming with hermit crabs, fish, and anemones. Then we headed even further south to Laguna to hang out on the boardwalk there, where they were celebrating Mr. Laguna Beach's 90th birthday with free gyros. We ended the night going to Downtown Disney to check out the fireworks- walking around in shorts at night- something we rarely get to do in Oakland!
Finally on Saturday, we had dim sum with Co Khanh and Kevin. Nice to go to a dim sum spot where I can order exactly what I want in vietnamese!
Around 2:00 we picked up my mom and went to no less than 4 restaurants to pick up food for the baby shower, which was a blast. There were two of my friends' babies who I had not met before, and two girls who were preggo in addition to Liz. pretty soon we are going to have a football team. There were plenty of kids, babies, pregnant women, and food to feed us all.
For pictures of Road Trip part 3, click here.
Second Leg- to Santa Barbara

It's been a while...

Monday, September 21, 2009

It was my first time out there and Liz hadn't been in years. The property is huge- 80 acres maybe? A real working farm, which is a novelty for us city-folk. Not pictured: the boys' mid-afternoon target practice- thanks Dave!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Chao Ga

Benicia... who knew?

My first time to Benicia was last Thursday night for dinner at this place called Captain Blyther's. The food was pretty standard american seafood fare, but I was really surprised with how nice their Main Street is. Did you know that Benicia was once the Califonia state capitol?! The grassy beach and rennovated pier are lined with dozens of historic buildings. Sure, there are refineries and the dirty delta, but on a late summer evening, when the weather's nice and the farmer's market's buzzing, it's a super quaint spot to chill. No, we won't be moving there.
Monday, September 14, 2009
It takes a lot...


Busy weekend but we had time to catch this flick late Saturday night. I am no QT fanboy, but I really enjoyed this one. Lots of tense scenes with great dialogue- think of True Romance's trailer scene where Chris Walken is interrogating Dennis Hopper and Dennis tells him about his Sicilian heritage. Though on the long side (2:30 + previews = 3 hrs of theater time), I would definitely recommend this one for Col. Hans Landa alone, and of course there's plenty of butt-kicing violence.